PeterOS GUI package, handles drawing windows and routing events
Type | Name | Description |
table |
mt |
GUI class meta tables by class name |
boolean |
running |
If the gui is currently running |
Logger |
_log |
GUI log |
Return | Name | Description |
nil |
setLog(log: Logger) |
Sets the GUI logger |
number |
addWindow(window: Window) |
Adds a window to be drawn and processed, returns window index |
nil |
removeWindow(window: Window|number) |
Removes the passed window, or by window index |
nil |
removeWindow(x: number, y: number, active: boolean, color: number) |
Sets the cursor position, blink status, and color |
nil |
redrawWindows() |
Internal. Draws all visible windows |
nil |
processWindows(event: table) |
Internal. Processes event for focused window |
nil |
focusWindow(window: Window|number) |
Focuses the passed window, or by window index |
nil |
unfocuseWindow(window: Window|number) |
Un-focuses the passed window, or by window index |
nil |
run(func: function) |
Run window draw and process loop. Runs until pos.gui.running is set to false calling func(event) for every event |
Name | Description |
UiElement |
Abstract GUI element |
Window |
Basic GUI window |
MenuOption |
Window menu bar dropdown menu |
TextBox |
Basic GUI text box |
TextInput |
Basic GUI text input |
Button |
Basic GUI button |
ScrollField |
Scroll field with sub-elements |
FileSelector |
File selector GUI window |