Doc - Logger

Class: Logger

Logger is a general purpose to file logger.
It can be gotten with: Logger = pos.require('logger')


Logger(path: string, printToConsole: boolean|nil)

Creates a new logger at path.
If printToConsole logged messages will be printed to the shell


Type Name Description
string path Path to log file (Read only)
integer level Log level, defaults to 5
WriteHandle file File handle for log file
boolean print If messages should also be printed to the shell

Instance Functions

Return Name Description
nil setLevel(level: integer) Sets the logging level
nil flush() Flushes the log to file, saving the current log. Called after every write(str)
nil write(str: string) Write a line to the log and flush. Prints to shell if print is true
nil debug(message: string) Writes a DEBUG message to the log if level is 5 or higher
nil info(message: string) Writes a INFO message to the log if level is 4 or higher
nil warn(message: string) Writes a WARN message to the log if level is 3 or higher
nil error(message: string) Writes a ERROR message to the log if level is 2 or higher
nil fatal(message: string) Writes a FATAL message to the log if level is 1 or higher