Doc - net


Type Name Description
table standardPorts Table of standard ports for networking
table encrypt Encryption module for networking


Return Name Description
string getHWAddr() Gets the hardware address of this computer as a hex string
string getIPV() Gets IV version the package uses (currently IPV4)
string ipFormat(ip: string|number) Turns a IPV4 string address in x:x:x:x into a number
number ipToNumber(ip: string|number) Formats a numeric or string IP for IPV4: x:x:x:x
number getIP() Gets numeric IP of this computer
number getIPMask() Gets the current IP subnet mask
number|string relizeHostname(hostname: string) Tries to resolve the given hostname to an IP or HW address
string getHostname() Gets the current hostname of this computer, if set
boolean setHostname(hostname: string) Tries to set the hostname of this computer and register it on the current DNS
boolean isSetup() If the net module has been setup
boolean setup(mdm: Modem|nil, ip: number|nil) Tries to setup the net module, modem and IP if provided
number send(port: number, dest: number|string, msgType: string, body: any) Sends a net message to destination on port with provided type and body, and returns message ID
net.Message|string sendSync(port: number, dest: number|string, msgType: string, body: any) Sends a net message to destination on port with provided type and body and returns the response or error
number sendAdv(port: number, dest: number|string, head: table, body: any) Sends a net message to destination on port with provided head and body, and returns message ID
net.Message|string sendAdvSync(port: number, dest: number|string, head: table, body: any) Sends a net message to destination on port with provided head and body and returns the response or error
number reply(port: number, msg: net.Message, head: table, body: any) Responds to a message on port with head and body, and returns message ID
net.Message|string waitForMsg(port: number, time: number) Waits for the next message on port within time. Use 0 for no timeout
net.Message|string waitForMsgAdv(port: number, time: number, check: function) Waits for the next message on port within time that satisfies the check function. Use 0 for no timeout
boolean validMsg(port: number, message: table) Checks if the provided message is a valid net message
number registerMsgHandler(func: function) Registers a message handler and returns handlerId for unregistering
nil unregisterMsgHandler(id: number) Unregisters a message handler by ID
string stringMessage(msg: net.Message) Returns a string version of a message for debug and logging
nil open(port: number) Opens a port
nil ping(dest: string|number) Tries to ping a given destination and prints the time taken
string|nil, string, string splitUrl(url: string) Splits a URL into protocol, domain, and path
nil setLogVerbose(vb: boolean) Sets if all messages should be logged to the net log at /home/.pgmLog/net.log

registerMsgHandler(func: function):

Registers a message handler function:

Handler should take: msg: net.Message


Name Value Description
network 10000 Network control port
rttp 10080 Redstone Text Transfer Protocol (RTTP)
rttps 10081 (Unused at this time) Redstone Text Transfer Protocol Secure
ftp 10021 File Transfer Protocol (net-ftp)
rmail 10025 rMail protocol
remoteUser 10234 Remote user system


Return Name Description
nil setup() Initializes the net encryption module
byteArray, byteArray encrypt(data: any, public: string|byteArray) Encrypts the given data using the receiver's public key, and returns the cypher text and signature
boolean, any decrypt(cypher: byteArray, sig: byteArray, public: string|byteArray) Decrypts the given cypher text using the receiver's public key and verifies the signature, and returns if the successful the decrypted data
byteArray getPublicKey() Returns the public key

Struct: net.Message


Type Name Description
number|string origin IP or HW address of origin device
number|string dest IP or HW address of destination device
number port Networking port
table header Message header, includes type field. may include NAT conId field
any body Message body
number msgid Message id
number port (Not transmitted) Port the message was received on

Instance Functions

Return Name Description
nil reply(p: number, head: table, body: any) Replies to this message on port with head and body