Doc - gui - TextInput

Class: TextInput

Inherits from: UiElement

TextInput is a text input element


pos.gui.TextInput(x: number, y: number, w: number, background: number|nil, foreground: number|nil, text: string, onEnter: function|nil)

Creates a new TextInput at the given location with given width.
If background or foreground is nil, they are set as the defaults: colors.gray and colors.white respectively.
onEnter is called if enter is pressed while the input is focused and is given the current text.


Type Name Description
number bg Background color
number fg Foreground color (text color)
number w Max line length
number h Number of lines
function onEnter Callback for input submitted
string text Current text in input (Read Only)
boolean focused If the input is currently focused
UiElement|nil next The next element to focus
boolean submitable If the input should submit on enter, or add a new line
boolean hideText If input text should be replaced with *s
string type Override. type is 'TextInput'

Private Variables

Type Name Description
table _lines Text split into lines by length and newline, used for drawing
boolean _focusedNext If the element should be focused after this event

Instance Functions

Return Name Description
nil draw(window: Window) Override. Draws the input
nil process(event: table, window: Window) Override. Processes mouse_click, char, and key events
nil setText(text: string) Sets the text and splits into lines
nil setHeight(height: number) Sets the maximum height of the input