Doc - gui - TextBox

Class: TextBox

Inherits from: UiElement

TextBox draws text to the window


pos.gui.TextBox(x: number, y: number, background: number|nil, foreground: number|nil, text: string, w: number|nil)

Creates a new TextBox at the given location.
If background or foreground is nil, they are set as the defaults: and colors.white respectively.
if w is nil, it is set the the length of text


Type Name Description
number bg Background color
number fg Foreground color (text color)
number w Max line length
number h Number of lines
string type Override. type is 'TextBox'

Private Variables

Type Name Description
string _text Text of the element
table _lines Text split into lines by length and newline, used for drawing

Instance Functions

Return Name Description
nil draw(window: Window) Override. Draws the text
nil setText(text: string) Sets the text and splits into lines
string getText() Gets the current text