Doc - gui - FileSelector

Class: FileSelector

File selector GUI window handler


pos.gui.FileSelector(root: string, action: string, onSelect: function)

Creates a new File selector window at starting at root, and action text.
onSelect is called when the action button is pressed and get the path to the selected file, and the File Selector's window.


Type Name Description
number w Window pixel width
number h Window pixel height
string root Current file browser root directory
string action Action button text
function onSelect On select callbakc

Private Variables

Type Name Description
Window _p.window Selector window
number _p.windowIndex Selector window __menuIndex
TextInput _p.pathInput Path input
ScrollField _p.scrollField File scroll field
TextInput _p.fileInput File name input
Button _p.upBtn Path up button
table _p.fileBtns List of file select buttons

Instance Functions

Return Name Description
nil show() Makes the selector visible
nil hide() Hides the selector
nil dispose() Disposes of the file selector and removes the window
nil updateFiles(path: string) Updates the current root path, and updates the file buttons