Doc - LocalUser

Class: LocalUser

LocalUser is the operation system level object for user control.
Can only be loaded from startup
RemoteUser inherits from LocalUser


LocalUser(name: string, pass: string, perm: string|table)

Creates a new LocalUser named name and password pass and permissions perm.
If a string is passed for perm it will be put into a table.


Type Name Description
string name User name
string pswH Hashed password
table _perm (PRIVATE) Table of permission nodes

Static Functions

Return Name Description
LocalUser fromFile(name: string) Creates a LocalUser from the file: /name.userDat

Instance Functions

Return Name Description
boolean save() Tries to save the user to: /name.userDat
boolean hasPerm(perm: string) Checks if the user has perm or a lower order permission
boolean setPerm(perm: string, value: boolean) Gives the user the permission perm to value
string getHomeDir() Returns the path to the user's home directory
boolean checkPass(pass: string) Checks if the given password is correct
boolean setPass(oldPass: string, newPass: string) Changes the user's password if oldPass is the current password